#eye #eye


Projects from portfolio school that I still think are pretty neat.


I luv cartoons and pop culture—you know, unlike other humans who hate pop culture, right?—and I spent several entire days illustrating individual items that I thought some of my favorite characters might carry around with them in their Jansport bags that I picked out for them like little diy paper dolls.

Oh golly gee willakers just look at that completely unlimited color palette and teeeeeny tiny logos. Sweet summer child Brooke, she didn’t know. And I made these janky gifs frame-by-frame in Illustrator.  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻    

Scrub Daddy

Scrub Daddy is an excellent, excellent name for a product. The daddy long legs of sponges gets a vintage horror movie treatment.

I really am loyal to this man. Swore by him then, swear by him today. Much less gross than most other sponges.

Smalls Cat Food

Smalls is a DTC cat food brand that exclusively deals in feline noms.

Smalls is all about cats. Just like you are. And if I have any say in it, Smalls is also all about Renaissance cats collaged with stock-sourced florals, because it’s cool.

Topo Chico

I sure do fucking love sparkling water, and Topo Chico is the McDonald’s Sprite of sparkling water.

You can take the girl outta Texas.